The Amiga Forever talker web page.
Welcome to the home page of the talker Amiga Forever. Anyone is free to use this 24 chat program
but Amiga users worldwide are invited to feel especially welcome. This web site is designed to look
acceptable on all 3 main Amiga browsers as well as others widely used. Please use the links on
the left of the page to enter the site.
The absolute minimum browser requirements are a screen resolution of 640 x 256 in some colours and
support for tables (obviously if you use more colours then images will be rendered better). We recommend
a minimum resolution of 640 x 480 in order to view the full site in the correct aspect.
In order to try and cater for every user out there we have taken the time to produce 3 versions of this
site so everyone can browse in a reasonable manner. Any version can be viewed by anyone but each has
a particular user in mind. Users with graphics cards, or those who use interlace modes, should use the full
version. Those who disable image loading may wish to view the text only version, and those without flicker
fixers should give the 640x256 version a try.
If you have any comments or suggestions please feel free to
email the talker administration.
Copyright the talker Amiga Forever administration, 1999. For other copyright details see here.